January 5th, 2018 Cartoonist’s Commentary: I’m making fun of my younger self in this strip, as I had really no clue when it came to women and was terrible at approaching them. I had only a few things[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nerd By Northwest
December 29th, 2017 Cartoonist’s Commentary: I created this strip back near the end of 2017, when the sexual harassment scandals and #MeToo movement was in full force. I certainly found the number of credible accusations and scandals upsetting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
December 22nd, 2017
December 15th, 2017 Cartoonist’s Commentary: In my 20’s I favored the ‘diplomatic approach’, but since then I’ve migrated towards the ‘correct approach’. Over time I observed that any woman who has a serious problem with their guy playing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
December 8th, 2017
December 1st, 2017
November 24th, 2017 Cartoonist’s Commentary: Like the two years before, my family and I spent this last Thanksgiving in Mongolia instead of the United States. While the holiday isn’t observed here (except for US expats like myself and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
November 17th, 2017 Cartoonist’s Commentary: When I’m cooking, I can’t stand having other people in the kitchen when they don’t know how to work without getting in the way (which is most people, sadly). If you’ve ever worked[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
November 10th, 2017 (It’s never a bad time for a cheesy Empire Strikes Back reference!) Cartoonist’s Commentary: For some reason, every significant other of mine (except for one) had no experience with or interest in cooking Thanksgiving turkey[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…