…Otherwise known as “Tsagaan Sar” to the locals. I’m taking the holiday off so I can stuff myself full of steamed dumplings, meat, and vodka. You know, when in Rome…
But we will be back on January 7th with a brand new comic. Until then, have a Merry Christmas!
No comic for this Friday, as we’re doing Thanksgiving dinner (we’re doing it on Friday because it overlaps with a local Mongolian holiday). I can do Thanksgiving dinner or I can do the comic, but I can’t do BOTH. Everyone else in the family loves eating Thanksgiving dinner, but no one else wants to be bothered to COOK it. Naturally…
Being short on time this weekend, I could either a) phone it in with a rushed comic I’m not happy with, or b) wait a week to do it right. I’m choosing ‘b’ this weekend… the little quality control angel on my shoulder demands nothing less!
Have to call this week’s comic in due to an ear infection. If you ask me, ear infections and the pain that go with it are a hundred times worse than my experience with Covid-19. With that all I had was a tiny headache, mildly stuffy nose, and inability to smell most things for a few days. I’d gladly take that over this!
Anyway, hopefully the meds kick this thing so I can get this comic train rolling again next week. Laters!