Well, it’s not too late to get a night-shift job at your local Burger King and after hours turn the dining room into a french-fry-grease hockey rink. You know, taking that hockey-game-on-the-roof scene in Clerks and kicking it up a notch! And given how hard up most restaurants are in getting employees, they might not even fire you… 😉
I refuse to admit to the number of times I’ve either WANTED to do this, or have (accidentally) done so.
Well, it’s not too late to get a night-shift job at your local Burger King and after hours turn the dining room into a french-fry-grease hockey rink. You know, taking that hockey-game-on-the-roof scene in Clerks and kicking it up a notch! And given how hard up most restaurants are in getting employees, they might not even fire you… 😉