by Nick
on November 4, 2019
by Nick
on October 28, 2019
by Nick
on October 21, 2019
by Nick
on October 14, 2019
It’s fall in Mongolia, which means a lot of sheep, cattle, and other herd animals are being slaughtered and sold on the market. And that leads to seeing things in the supermarket’s weekly advertisement that are just a bit different from what you’d see in your local Safeway, Whole Foods, or Aldi supermarket ads…

“Hey honey, wanna go to the store? Sheep heads are now half off!!!”
For those who are wondering, yes I have eaten it (some meat off the outside anyway), but no we don’t cook it in our house. I asked my wife how frequently Mongolians cook sheep heads, and she said some do it on a semi-frequent basis. She said she likes eating it, but the long cooking time (many hours boiling in a pot) is the primary reason her family seldom bothers to serve it. Which doesn’t break my heart… I’m fine with eating some of the outside meat or the tongue. But the brains or eyes? No, I’ll pass… 🙂
by Nick
on October 7, 2019